When should I hire a daytime confinement nanny?

As a general rule of thumb, it is advisable to hire a daytime confinement nanny in Singapore as early as possible. It is common to see more experienced and highly sought-after confinement ladies getting reserved well in advance, with some clients even securing their services during the first trimester. By making the arrangement early to hire a confinement nanny in Singapore, you can have peace of mind, knowing that you have one less thing to worry about when the time comes.

We understand that pregnancy can sometimes be uncertain, and in such cases, we offer a 100% refund of the deposit in the event of any pregnancy complications certified by a doctor. This policy ensures flexibility and support during unforeseen circumstances.

If you're considering to hire a confinement nanny in Singapore, taking these precautions can help you navigate the process with confidence and reassurance.

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